Wire |
are sensors designed to measure temperature when two
different alloys are joined together at the sensing
end. Different “thermocouple types” are used to measure
various temperatures. At Aerospace Wire
& Cable we have the following capabilities
in both Thermocouple Wire Grade and Extension grade.
SLE (special limits of error) conductors are also available
upon request as well.
Wire types
Type K / KX
Type E / EX
Type J / JX
Type T / TX
Type RSX
materials include high temperatures to low temperature
PFA 260C / FEP 200C / E-CTFE 150C / LS PVC 60C. Cables
also can be approved for (UL) listed plenum and Power
Limited Tray Cable (PLTC).
Customization Capabilities For Thermocouple Wire
capabilities regarding color codes, cabling, shields,
AWG sizes are also available upon request .
Insulation (200°C) 
- PFA Insulation
Request a quote or pricing
our thermocouple
wire sell sheet.
Custom Thermocouple Wire
Thermocouple Type K